〔 kind architecture 〕
2019.01, Oslo Architects' Association (OAF), Oslo, Norway
Steinlia with artist Kirsty Kross exhibited in <<History in Practice>> with other invited Wildcard practices discussing ways of relating to history and the past using images and text.
Curated by Holt O'brien and Svingen Arkitektkontor.
Image title:
Coral Trout on her visit to the Garden at the Quay Street House
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Kirsty Kross
Matthew Anderson / Steinlia
Matthew Anderson
Human activity over 200 years of European colonization has polluted the Great Barrier Reef, habitat for the Coral Trout. Terrestrial habitats are threatened by land clearing and urban development in Southeast Queensland.
In 1824, forests of magnificent trees along the Brisbane River were viewed by settlers as resource, feeding building booms in Australia’s burgeoning cities. Around 1860, the Queensland House appeared as type – built of this timber.
Quay Street House:
The historic part (Queensland House, 1932) is restored.
The new addition connects living areas for 2 humans with the surrounding garden.
The re-wilding garden provides habitat for native wild species.