〔 kind architecture 〕
2022.08, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2022.08, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2022.06, 5th International Conference on Structures and Architecture/ICSA2022
Utzon Centre, Aalborg, Denmark
2022.01, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2021.10, The Norwegian University of Life Sciences: NMBU
2021.09, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2021.04, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2021.02, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2020.10, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2020.10, Kula Yoga, Oslo
2020.08, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2020.03, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2020.01, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2019.10, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2019.10, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2019.08, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2018.08, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2018.04, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2018.01, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2017.11, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2017.09, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2017.04, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2017.03, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2017.01, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2016.08, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2016.02, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design